Today let’s look at some of my favorite historical wargaming Youtube channels. I do watch some scifi/fantasy channels, but I decided to focus on the historical side of things, because that’s the focus of this blog and my hobby. These channels make videos on a variety of topics, whether that be battle reports, painting tutorials, reviews, etc. I hope you try a channel that you haven’t watched before and enjoy it. This is not a ranking, so the entires are not listed in particular order. If you think I’ve missed anyone, please let me know in the comments!
Storm of Steel Wargaming
Storm of Steel makes some of the best longer-form content. It is well edited and his lovely deep English accent is very easy to listen to. If you are a fan of Too Fat Lardies games, Storm of Steel is your one stop shop. He has made a huge number of battle reports for Lardy games, and lots of videos explaining and reviewing the rules. Even if you’re like me, not a huge Lardy fan, this channel still has a lot for you, so check it out!
Sonic Sledgehammer Studio
Sonic Sledgehammer Studio is famous for his ‘How I paint things’ series, which covers a wide breadth of periods and methods, from World War 2, to Napoleonics, to 40k (gross). As the videos say, he just shows you how he paints things, and I find his methods extremely clever and helpful. He primarily focuses on how to get 28mm miniatures painted QUICK, while still looking sharp, and without using overcomplicated methods. I watched a lot of his videos before I started painting and they helped me immensely.

Mark’s Game Room
Launched in summer of 2023, Mark’s Game Room is new to the wargaming YouTube scene, and I’m glad they’re here. They bring a fresh perspective to battle reports, as they’re not afraid to be a little goofy and dramatic. They put a focus into tying our favorite war movies into history and gaming, which is always fun. But my favorite thing about the channel is their battlefield videos, were they go to the actually site of the battle, and have the players drive the roads in the surrounding areas, as if they were leading columns of troops. If the players of both sides meet, they play a wargame, and base the terrain on the locations they just traveled across!
Artemy Blackwood
Another newcomer to the scene is Artemy Blackwood, who has made a handful of excellent bite-sized painting videos. His videos are very helpful and only a few minutes long, which is just right for those of us with short attention spans!
Miniature Adventures
Big Lee from Miniature Adventures is someone that I always enjoy listening to. He typically makes videos where he brings up a ‘talking point’, which is a take he has on an aspect of the hobby. I find these to be though-provoking, as Big Lee usually has an interesting opinion on whatever subject he is talking about.

Feldgrau Productions
If you watch Feldgrau Productions for long, you will notice a theme, 10mm. Chris isn’t shy about advocating the “best scale,” and to be honest, he makes some good points. Feldgrau Productions is the best 10mm content on YouTube in my opinion, and whether you like the scale or not, you should give him a try.
Long Shot Wargaming
Long Shot Wargaming is one of the best channels for a tight, edited battle report. Their videos are a lot of fun to watch, my complaint is that the don’t make more! They only have a handful of videos, but I want to see more of them!

Little Wars TV
Little Wars TV holds a very special place in my heart, as it was their videos that introduced me to the hobby. Their battle reports immediately captured my imagination, with the excellent editing and storytelling. I found them during the dark Covid days, and watched every one of their videos before finding my local wargaming when the world reopened, which began my wargaming hobby. Little Wars TV has the best production quality in the game, and they have a vast selection of videos, whether that be battle reports, rule reviews, convention recaps, or terrain tutorials. I cannot recommend them enough, and please subscribe to them, they are almost at 100k subscribers!
I hope you check out all of these channels and support the awesome people making them happen. If you like to read blogs as well as watch videos, subscribe down below, I’d really appreciate it.
Thanks for reading, comment down below to let me know your feedback as it means the world to me. Stay tuned, we’ve got more quality, entertaining wargaming content coming your way. Please tell EVERYONE you know about the blog.
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Until next time- Joshua, The Napoleon of the West