‘Little Big Cats’ How to paint 6mm German Tanks

Today I’ll show you how I painted a few late-war German Panther and Tiger tanks in 6mm scale. I use a slightly simplified version of the real-life camouflage, as it’s too small paint in 6mm, but we can still get a great effect! We will walk through my method step by step, and I will link all of the paints I used at the end. The goal here is to really get those details to pop and get a nice camo pattern.

The First Steps

The first step is to spray prime them a tan color, and then hit everything with a black wash to darken it down and seep into the recesses. Then grab your drybrush to lighten them up again with a bone/tan color, if the models seem too bright, don’t worry, we’re going to darken it again at the end. With these steps, the details should already be very pronounced.

Next is the fun part, doing the camo. I created the patterns at random using stripes and blob shapes to create the camouflage effect. I used Mournfang Brown and Elf Green for this. Make sure to do another coat over the green and brown, to get good coverage. The tanks are starting to come together, but let’s spruce them up a bit.

The Final Touches

These may be a little hard to see in the pictures, but painting the tracks a dark grey color and drybrushing a muddy color around the bottom of the vehicles will give them more depth and visual interest.

The last part of the painting is to hit everything with another black wash, which will blend everything together and give you a beautiful final product.

Now that we’ve finished the painting, the only thing left to do is basing. I glue them down to 25mm round bases. I then spread a glue-water mix on the bases before sprinkling on some static grass. Leave it for a couple hours, and your done!! You should have great final product.


Rustoleum Tan Primer

Nuln Oil

Jack Bone

Mournfang Brown

Elf green

Eshin Grey

Battlefield Brown

Army Painter Grass


I hope this tutorial was helpful and got you inspired to get some micro-armor of your own on the table.

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Until next time- Joshua, The Napoleon of the West