I’m really starting to get in the groove with my Thirty Years War project in the last week, but then a wonderful vacation to the mountains had to interrupt it! I’ve been having a good time with my airbrush, it’s been very helpful. I had a rough game of Live Free or Die on Thursday, which I’ll talk about more below, but stay on the lookout for a review of the rules below.
What have I been Painting?
Pictured below are some 6mm Croat Irregulars for the Thirty Years war. I am currently on vacation and I realized that I forgot to take pictures of the main thing I finished this week! I promise painted and based 3 bases of cuirassier heavy cavalry, I’ll have to post the pictures next week!

Later in the week I got started on some Hungarian Light Horse, but my 6mm 1940 French are tempting me . . .

What have I been Playing?
This week I ran the Battle of Camden with the rules Live Free or Die, and the results were not nearly as pleasing as last week’s Battle of Guilford Courthouse. The scenario was very off in its troop ratings and balance in general, which was strange considering how well the last scenario was. It taught me to do my research and not to follow the scenario book blindly. I will be releasing a review later this week on the rules where I dive a little further into the pros and cons.

Thanks for reading, comment down below to let me know your feedback as it means the world to me. Stay tuned, we’ve got more quality, entertaining wargaming content coming your way. Please tell EVERYONE you know about the blog.
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Until next time- Joshua, The Napoleon of the West
👍 keep up the good work.