I can’t believe the first month of the year has gone by so fast! I was on vacation this week, so while I didn’t get a lot of painting done, but I designed a lot of scenarios, which I’ll get into in the gaming section. More exciting is the project a friend and I have been working on, a Brushes & Bayonets podcast! Before that comes out though, I’ll be releasing an article later this week on the importance of leaders in our games. If you enjoy please subscribe!
What have I been Painting?
Here are the cuirassiers I painted last week but forgot to take pictures of, and some Finnish and Hungarian Light Horse. All of these are for the Thirty Years War in 6mm.

I have here primed 2 more tercios worth of infantry, some artillery, and baggage trains. I’m giving my first attempt at airbrushing the color of the coats on the infantry, we will see how it goes. I also finished a new workbench, which doubles my workspace!

What have I been Playing?
While sadly no wargaming this week, I played a lot of games of Setback, Rook, and Catan while on vacation. The gaming related thing I got done this week was designing a ton of scenarios for my Thirty Years War ruleset. I made all of the scenarios for the Palitinate phase of the war and the Danish Intervention, as well as a couple Swedish intervention scenarios. If you want to playtest the rules, please let me know and I’ll get you set up with any scenario you’d like.

Thanks for reading, comment down below to let me know your feedback as it means the world to me. Stay tuned, we’ve got more quality, entertaining wargaming content coming your way. Please tell EVERYONE you know about the blog.
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Until next time- Joshua, The Napoleon of the West