After a big convention weekend, I had a lot to sort out. My hall included, the rest of the 6mm Thirty Years War minis I needed, a copy of the ESR napoleonics rules, a unit of archers for SAGA, a 15mm Sherman, and a huge box of old school rules. This didn’t stop me from painting, because I was very excited to keep up the pace on my Thirty Years War project, as I’m almost ready to get it on the table.
What have I been Painting?
I wanted to make a large climbing hill for use in multiple scenarios, but specifically an upcoming White Mountain game I’m going to run. I cut it out of foam insulation board and then rounded and sanded the edges, as shown in the picture on the left. On the right, I have the hill placed on a 4×4′ board, I think it will look good with a mat on top.

I got right into painting my new 6mm Thirty Years war minis, below are 3 Scottish Mercenary regiment and a few generals.

Shown below are 4 regiments of generic Thirty Years War militia that I will use for Bohemian, Palitinate, Danish, Bavarian, Dutch, Hessian and other militias.

What have I been Playing?
Unfortunately we only played board games at the club this week, but I did have a great time with the HEAT racing board game. I have also done 2 more playtest of my Thirty Years War rules, I have most of the stuff painted, and the games are almost picture worthy! I am looking for playtesters, so please let me know if you are interested and I will send over the rules.
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Until next time- Joshua, The Napoleon of the West