Hobby Update 2/6/24

While I continued work on my main Thirty Years War project this week, both with minis and rules writing. I have gone off on some tangents for new projects, including Medieval, Yom Kippur War, and potentially Starship Troopers. (Sci-Fi, gross, I know) Also, I am getting very excited for the Williamsburg Muster, a local convention coming up soon. A link to the info for that is here, https://www.odmsclub.com/conventions/WM_index.html

I highly recommend you come join us, it’s a ton of fun every year.

What Have I been Painting?

I got 2 more 6mm Tercios for the Thirty Years War done. Additionally, I painted up some artillery and baggage markers to go with them. I am almost done with all of the Imperial and Bavarian troops I need for this project, so it will be on to the various Protestant powers!

Finally, the last of the tercios are on the painting bench . . .

What Have I been Playing?

On Thursday I played a great game of Muskets & Tomahawks, set in the American Northwest during the Shawnee Uprising of 1794. It was my first time playing the system, and I really enjoyed it. It was a very well done card activation system that had a lot of strategy to it. I had an awesome time, and I may do a review of the rules after I get the chance to play a couple more times.


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Until next time- Joshua, The Napoleon of the West

One Reply to “Hobby Update 2/6/24”

  1. New to the site. We play M&T at our club and enjoy it. I like your podcast recommendations. Thanks

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