I was out of town for 1 of the last 2 weeks since the last hobby update, but was still able to get enough things done to throw together a report. I hope you’ve been following the release of the new Brushes & Bayonets Podcast (which quite frankly is a lot better than the blog). You can find it here,
Anyways, I hope you enjoy the post, let’s get into it.
What have I been Painting?
I have started on a brand new project, 1973 Egyptians for Yom Kippur War. A buddy of mine is painting up the IDF and the vehicles are on the way. I got most of the infantry done, and have a few heavy weapons squads left. I went for a grungy look that I could really get done quickly, and really relied on my washes. I’m happy with the way they turned out, but I had a hard time taking good pictures.

I need a few more bases for an upcoming Thirty Years War game, so I painted up some Cuirassiers and artillery.

Lastly I painted up a coupe War of Spanish Succession officers for a friend of mine. These are some of my better paint jobs and I’m very happy with it.

What have I been Playing?
The only game I was able to get in was a fun playtest of the operational rules Schwerpunkt. I played a scenario that encompasses the northern part of the Khorsan pocket operation in 1943, I had a great time and can’t wait for these rules to get published.

Thanks for reading, comment down below to let me know your feedback as it means the world to me. Stay tuned, we’ve got more quality, entertaining wargaming content coming your way. Please tell EVERYONE you know about the blog.
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Until next time- Joshua, The Napoleon of the West
I especially like the work on the WSS figures!
Thank you kind sir!