It’s May already, 2024 is flying by! I was able to get a lot of gaming action in in the past 2 weeks, and have been very unfocused, throwing myself at all of my projects at once. Hopefully y’all can follow along!
What have I been Painting?
First an update on the 15mm Yom Kippur project. I painted and based the weapons and command teams, including the 3 you see below and a few more. My good friend who was 3d printing the vehicles for me got those to me, and they are looking very pretty. I will be starting on them in the next couple days.

I can never have enough 6mm Thirty Years War, so here are 5 more regiments of cavalry for some upcoming games. In the bottom right corner you can probably barely see some 6mm vehicles that were 3d printed as well. There are some late war WW2 vehicles to round out my collection and some vehicles for France 1940.

What have I been Playing?
I ran my first 6 player game with my Thirty Years War rules, and it went better than I expected. We played the battle of Nordlingen and the game was very close, resulting in a minor Swedish victory which was much better than the historical crushing defeat for the Swedes. Please contact me at [email protected] if you would like to playtest the rules, and I will send them over.

I got to scratch my Civil War itch as well with a awesome Cold Harbor game using the rules Alter of Freedom. Beautiful 6mm minis are my favorite thing to push around on the table and this game did not dissapoint! The rebs (my team) won a minor victory by blocking the union path to Richmond.

Lastly, I was able to get in another playtest of War is our Homeland. We played the battle of Dessau Bridge, which is an interesting non linear battle and thankfully the rules worked well even outside of the linear context.

Thanks for reading, comment down below to let me know your feedback as it means the world to me. Stay tuned, we’ve got more quality, entertaining wargaming content coming your way. Please tell EVERYONE you know about the blog.
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