As you may have noticed, there has been a large number of articles being put out this weekend with the release of B&B. This frequency of content will not continue. The current plan is to release 2 articles a week. One of these hobby updates toward the beginning of the week to show ya’ll what I’ve been working on. Later in the week, I’ll put out another article, a tutorial, review, etc. If I’m not busy or we have a guest columnist there may periodically be extra content.
What have I been working on??
Progress has been a little slow this week as I spent quite a bit of time building the B&B website. But I did get a few things done.
First, I finished up the unit markings on the armor units for my 6mm Eastern Front armies.

I did a few more of the Russian villages that I did a tutorial on, check it out here In the tutorial I did 5 80mm bases last week, and this week I did 4 50mm bases and 2 120mm bases.

I got all my qrs sheets and oobs for Fistful of Tows 3 laminated.
Lastly, I finally got started on a commission. These are 28mm War of Spanish Succession French, from the Regiment Bretange. Tutorial soon to come. I got the flesh and some of the boots done this week.

What have I been playing??
I got a game of 6mm Eastern Front on the table using Fistful of Tows 3. It was a big project I’ve been working on since July, I have over 150 painted vehicles about 200 infantry. I only put a fraction of those on the table, as I ran a small 2 player game as no one knew the rules, and as a game master I don’t like trying to handle 4-6 players when I’m not confident with the rules. The scenario was the Soviets attacking 2 German held villages, pretty simple but was balanced and made room for the players to learn the rules. The Soviet attack was initially successful, but got overextended and the main armored force was destroyed. It was a good game, and I hope to run more.

So that’s my Hobby Update for this week, I hope ya’ll like this article format, but send me some feedback to let me know what kind of articles you would like to see.
Thanks for reading, let me know your feedback as it means the world to me. Stay tuned, we’ve got more quality, entertaining wargaming content coming your way. Please tell EVERYONE you know about the blog.
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Until next time- Joshua, The Napoleon of the West