The review today is of the Brigade action American Civil War rules, by Sam Mustafa, published by Honor games. I will be using the B&B rule review format which rates rules in 5 categories: Cost, Ease of play, Essence, Fun factor, and Bonus. In each category rules can score 1-3 points. 1 point being ok, 2 being good, 3 being great. If there is one exceptionally good or bad category it can score either a -1 or a 4 but this can only be scored once per review. This means that a score of 10 is average.
Longstreet is driven by a set of custom cards, which may not be everyone’s cup of tea. I personally think they’re well worth it and the way that they are integrated make them an awesome addition to the game.
Cost: How much is it to get a decent game on the table?
Longstreet isn’t a huge game, but it isn’t a small game either. A good sized game consist of probably 30 odd bases per side. My personal collection is 40mm square bases, with 6 15mm figures to a base. The cost of miniatures isn’t bad the only problem I see is the cost of the rules/cards. Found here respectively
Score: 2

Ease of Play: Is it easy to learn, teach and remember?
The Longstreet rules are very simple, because of the card based system. It is very easy to teach and remember. The small gripe I have is that it can be hard to teach new players how to manage the cards properly the first time they play.
Score: 3
Essence: Do the rules capture the ‘feel’ of the period?
They absolutely do, Longstreet gives great period flavor. The games play out the way a typical brigade engagement during the Civil War would. I come out of a game of Longstreet with a better understanding of the challenges historical commanders faced.
Score: 3

Fun Factor: Is the game fun?
Longstreet is crazy fun, it leads to a lot of strategic thinking and dynamic games. The games push and pull, your army is often on the brink of defeat. I thoroughly enjoy every game of Longstreet I play.
Score: 4
Bonus: Is it worth it?
Absolutely, Longstreet is a satisfying experience. I would highly recommend it to anyone who wants a tactical Civil War ruleset
Score: 3

Final Score: 15
Of course these are my incredibly biased opinion, so take it with a grain of salt. I do truly believe that you will love Longstreet if you give it a try.
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Until next time- Joshua, The Napoleon of the West