I think most wargamers that have been to a convention have had a great time, but what is it exactly that we like about these gatherings. I will confess that I have only been to local conventions that bring in between 75 to 400 gamers, so my experiences may be different from those who have gone to the big HMGS conventions for instance. My experience will also be different from the British viewers experience with the more “show” like conventions, but let’s get right into why I love a good con.
Lots of Pretty Games
We all love to stand next to a gorgeous table and take it in for a minute, and in my experience, these jaw-dropping games are much more common at a convention than any given Thursday game night at the club. I love getting to see these great looking games and talking to the game masters to see how they put it together.
Lots of Pretty Things to Buy
I may be a little old school, but I enjoy shopping in person. Getting to shop for historical wargaming stuff in person is a rare occasion, because very few stores carry what we’re looking for. That’s why conventions are really great for bringing in those hobby vendors that have all kinds of minis, terrain, rules, etc.

Getting to Meet New People
Going to a convention brings you into contact with tons of gamers outside of your normal group, and brings a breath of fresh air to game with some different folks. It’s always fun to get to know a new person and hear their perspectives about the game and the hobby. Additionally, if you go multiple years in a row, you are fairly likely to run into some of the same faces. You might only see them a couple times a year at conventions, but they can still be longtime gaming friends.
Different Gaming Experiences
I like to go to conventions where I can see and play with rules, scales, and periods I don’t normally have a chance to game with. For instance, at an upcoming con I hope to get into a Great Northern War game I saw on the schedule, which is a period that I am interested in, but have not gotten the chance to play. As someone who enjoys the smaller scales, it’s good to see 6 and 10mm represented at cons as well. There’s just so much to offer with such a wide selection of games.

I hope you enjoyed this article, and will be joining us tomorrow or Saturday at the Williamsburg Muster, info to which is linked below!
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Until next time- Joshua, The Napoleon of the West
I agree 100%.