What do I Look for in a Historical Wargame?

Today I’ll explain what makes me enjoy a wargame. This might give you a little insight into why I review rules and other products the way I do.

Was it pretty?

This one is a little subjective, but we all know what it means. I will always remember the game with nice terrain and well-painted miniatures over the game with that has less effort put into it. Even if the game isn’t that fun, A good looking game can rectify many of those issues, as it immerses the players in the game. This is something I want to get better at, I’m confident in my ability to paint minis, but my terrain is just average.

In short though, I want a game that looks good is more memorable and leads to a better game.

Was it fun?

This is potentially the most important factor, because what are we doing here if not trying to have a good time? What makes a game fun to me is if it makes me think or not. That’s why I don’t love games where you just march forward and fight, or just shoot from across the board, as these are basically just dice games. I want a game with lots of maneuver and hard decisions, and I like to be able to joke around with my friends while doing it. Additionally, I don’t want to be bogged down by unnecessary or overly complicated rules that don’t add much to the game.

To me a fun game is characterized by hard decisions and good laughs.

Did I come away from the game feeling like I had a better understanding of the historical situation?

The educational value of wargaming is the history, and we do our best to recreate that in our games. I love it when my games play like the battles I read about in books. The ultimate value of any game is if I come away from it with a better understanding of the challenges faced by the commanders of the period.

One of the things I value most about historical wargaming is what I learn from it.


These elements can sum up what I want in a game, and I’m always seeking the perfect balance of all three.

Thanks for reading, let me know your feedback as it means the world to me. Stay tuned, we’ve got more quality, entertaining wargaming content coming your way. Please tell EVERYONE you know about the blog.

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Until next time- Joshua, The Napoleon of the West

2 Replies to “What do I Look for in a Historical Wargame?”

  1. Three excellent priorities.

    A fourth: Did I spend an enjoyable time with my friends?
    This provides credit for games which are light enough to allow for breaks, social moments, and even pauses in battle where both sides can take stock.

    I have played some games where I felt like a human abacus, busily calculating odds and outcomes. They went by in a flash and left me with a bit of a headache. Some even qualified as good games. But I’d struggle to convince myself that I enjoyed them.

    1. Excellent point!! That’s a point that I wasn’t sure how to fit in the article, but that’s a great way to word it. I didn’t want to just say ‘play with fun people’ because that’s obvious, but I definitely agree that a game that allows for some joking around and hanging out is super important.

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