In this article I’ll be explaining my method for painting this Scots warband in 28mm. I painted these guys up so that I could have…
Author: Napoleon of the West
Well since the last update, my order of 28mm Scots for SAGA from Gripping Beast finally arrived. That means that it is time to buy…
The age old debate within our hobby, historical or fantasy/sci-fi. It seems like Fantasy has almost completely won that debate, with historical miniature wargaming being…
After a big convention weekend, I had a lot to sort out. My hall included, the rest of the 6mm Thirty Years War minis I…
Williamburg Muster is a historical wargaming convention held in . . . Williamsburg, VA. It was an absolute blast, and the best convention I’ve been…
I think most wargamers that have been to a convention have had a great time, but what is it exactly that we like about these…
A quick Hobby Update coming out of Super Bowl weekend, because something much more important than the big game is coming up, the Williamsburg Muster!…
Today I’d like to bring to your attention some of the best historical wargaming podcast out there in my opinion. I enjoy all of these…
While I continued work on my main Thirty Years War project this week, both with minis and rules writing. I have gone off on some…
The age old question wargame rules authors, how do we reflect the difference commanders had on the wars they fought in. Do you give the…